Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hola From Class.

Why hello, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the beautiful snow dusting that keeps coming down. The snowflakes are huge, almost like fake snow in a department store. As part of our class today we had "Action Tuesday." Mr. Hill gave us a list of things to complete before class ended. I chose to read a three minute story from a site he posted. Because were at school we have to use the older version or else it doesn't load. So I can't add a link, but here's the address: http://www.npr.org/2011/02/06/133542419/departure. The story was slow at first, in my opinion. Surprisingly they didn't throw a lot of information at you right away. If you had to write a story that would only take three minutes to read I would feel the pressure to get everything in really quickly. They managed to make it work, though. It was a sad story, about a mother getting ready to leave her family because her husband was cheating. She was in the kitchen at 2 am, almost about to walk out the door when her son comes down in his footie pajamas. He tells her a knock-knock joke, and she laughs. She hugs him, crying. But he thinks she is just laughing so hard. It's sad, really. But neat at the same time that such a short story can get across a message like that. In fact, I think I'll go read some more, just for fun. I would recommend you check this site out, too!

Have a great Tuesday!

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