Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quality Time, Redefined

Hello readers! Today we had a class assignment and I had to read this article. It was very eye opening actually. Recently I've noticed how plugged in I always am. I'll be watching t.v. while texting or looking at Facebook on my phone. And what's the point? Sure, it's fun to look at peoples' pictures and see what they're up to, but in the process I'm just wasting time. I stay up later to finish my homework and inevitably I spend less time actually talking with my friends and family. In fact, I've considered putting my phone away, turning off the TV, and canceling my Facebook account, but it's so hard. I feel like I'll log right back on to Facebook and start my habit all over again. Or right as I'm putting my phone away, I'll get a message and start chatting with a friend. My family isn't too bad about this. We will watch TV together but my parents don't text that much and my Dad usually just quickly uses the laptop to finish some work. And when my brother and I are texting if front of my dad, he'll say, "Tell you friends goodbye. You're spending family time right now." or "Don't you get sick of talking to them?" I get annoyed with him when he says that because I want to talk to them, but it's true. I don't really NEED to be talking to them. Reading this article was really sad. Relationships have turned "enjoying each others company" from talking to sitting in bed together playing games on your iPad. And what's the point? Maybe life is more convenient now, but is it really worth it?

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