Thursday, March 17, 2011

Almost done with the week! I can't wait for the weekend! No plans yet, but I'm sure it'll be fun whatever I do! So I started a new book yesterday. Its called For One More Day by Mitch Albom. I've read the first part of the book! Its actually an easy read and so far not too shabby!

For One More Day By Mitch Albom pages 1-17

The first section of this book is called Midnight, but the first chapter within that section is called "Chick's Story." It starts off talking about his mother's funeral and his daughter holding onto him telling him, "I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to say bye, Daddy." I'm not sure what he's lying about, but he keeps talking about how he feels guilty so he lied. Then he talks about how his family life went downhill. He let a saleswoman talk him into going into an investment that of course didn't work so he lost a lot of money. Then he started drinking, and eventually he left his family, or they left him. He was a baseball player, it mentions how he actually played in the World Series! But what made him decide he was going to kill himself was the fact that he didn't even get invited to his daughter's wedding. In fact, he didn't know she was getting married until a letter came from her explaining that she couldn't invite him because he would have made a scene. That broke his heart. He decided he was worthless, and no one would miss him.
He called his wife from a pay phone. He wants to know why he didn't get invited and why she wouldn't stand up for him. But she doesn't answer his questions. He then tells her he's leaving. But when she asks where, he hangs up. After that, he went to a bar and got drunk, put his gun it the glove box, and drove off. He was headed to his home town, back where it all began.
He stopped at the gas station and bought more beer. As he's driving, he realized he missed his exit. So he turned around and began driving the wrong way down the highway. No cars were on it, but when he was going up the off ramp, a truck was headed his direction and he swerved off the road into a ditch, hitting a sign. He was able to climb out of the car, some how surviving. He actually decides to walk away from the scene and heads for his house. He stops at a water tower where he used to play when he was younger. He climbs up it, and jumps off. Somehow, he survives that too. However, he is going in and out of consciousness. Chick sees his mother. But she's dead. Somehow, he sees her standing in the baseball dugout nearby. He put his head down, and when he lifted it back up, she was gone.

This book is really weird so far! I don't get how he's seeing her. But I think his story is really sad. The downhill spiral of his life... he just couldn't get out of his rut! I'm curious to find out the rest of this story! I want to know what the deal is with his mother!

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